Mantra Immersion

Mantras are potent sound vibrations which create a more harmonious energy within the mind and heart. They thereby help to clarify the mind, soften and awaken the heart, and empower our energies in daily life. Furthermore, because mantras originally arise from a deep state of meditation, they directly help us tune our awareness to this deeper Source.

Tutor(s): Swami Krishnapremananda

Chanting a mantra is no magical panacea however; the mind can still rumble on with its usual storylines. Yet the mantra acts as a quiet inner centre around which the rest of the mind can gradually settle. Mantra is inherently experiential and can become an abiding inner friend and guide – not only on the meditation cushion but also in a traffic jam, washing the dishes, lying in bed, in the shopping queue, and in a myriad of other situations of daily life.

Mantras are like potent seeds planted within, which, with regular ongoing practice, have the potential to release their alchemical power into our heart, mind and energy body, transforming our self-understanding.

This retreat offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the practical experience of mantra over the four days. We will practise selected mantras, as well as explore the benefits of a personal mantra. The retreat will culminate with the practice of japa anusthana (the practice of mantra for a fixed period) for either five or nine hours, depending on the needs of the group at the time. 

The mantras you learn can then be continued at home thereafter. Much of the retreat will be held in silence.

Course information

Wednesday 19 April 2023, 19:45
Sunday 23 April 2023, 14:00
Swami Krishnapremananda

Book course

£315.00 per person
£120.00 per person
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