Advaita - The unveiling of Self

A 4 day summer retreat exploring the Vedantic philosophy of non-dualism. "In the Ocean of the world One only was, is and will be" Ashtavakra Gita

Tutor(s): Swami Nischalananda and Swami SatyaDaya

Advaita is the philosophy of non-duality. This system proposes that, despite appearances to the contrary, there are no truly separate, individual entities. What appears to be the interaction of billions of different embodied beings, not just human, could be more accurately described as a singular, unfolding event, or the Duet of One.

This is not another dry philosophical premise. Advaita is a radical, elegant and profound attempt to describe in words the realization of the truth of Who and What We Are.

During this course we will explore concepts contained both in yogic texts, such as the Ashtavakra Samhita and the Kena Upanishad, and in modern scientific understanding that are pointers to the vision of Advaita. There is no substitute for direct experience, so we will use these pointers to inform our meditation and practice to open us to the possibility of realising That which is described by Advaita.

The course is an exploration of the practice of Gyana Yoga, the yoga of insight and wisdom. Our practice will focus on bringing us to a place of stillness and receptivity to render us receptive to the possibility of the insight described above.

This is a subject dear to the hearts of both Swami Nishchalananda and Swami SatyaDaya and they very much look forward to bringing these teachings alive for you with you, in a way that is accessible, inspiring and enjoyable.

As well as the practice of meditation the course will include hatha yoga, chanting, yoga nidra, satsang and kirtan.

Course information

Wednesday 09 August 2023, 19:45
Sunday 13 August 2023, 14:00
Swami Nischalananda and Swami SatyaDaya
Only 2 places left. Book Now

Book course

£385.00 per person
£145.00 per person
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